Thieves and robbers are just getting bolder and bolder these days! A Malaysian woman, Bernie Kuan, recently shared her traumatising experience, warning everyone to be careful when they are in Cheras C180 as she was the victim of snatch theft on March 5th. She was just minding her own business while walking to the bank when a motorcycle went past and snatched her handbag.

She said that she was walking in the alley behind C180 when the incident happened. “Please be careful when you’re walking at the lane behind HSBC, where people like to park. There will be a lot of motorcycles going around and some of them are looking for their next victim,” she said.
“Girls, please don’t park at the back alleys as it is really dangerous. I fell down and got dragged when two motorcyclists snatched my bag.” Bernie said that due to the fall, she suffered injuries on her right hip and leg. Luckily, she was wearing a long sleeve shirt and long pants which protected her slightly from the fall otherwise she would have sustained more severe injuries.

Bernie added that she was so shocked that the thieves would do such a thing in broad daylight that she couldn’t react in time. Plus, she wasn’t even in a dark or abandoned alleyway as there were three people walking opposite her while another woman was in front of her.
Yet, the thieves were so bold that they dared to do that in front of so many witnesses. Bernie ends her post warning others about walking alone and reminded them to always be alert even if there was a companion as these robbers seemed to be getting more and more daring.
Be alert and be careful because criminals these days are getting bolder!
Also read: Kepong Lady Attacked by 2 Snatch Thieves Back To Back, Netizens Blame Her For Not Being Alert