When you encounter vehicles that aren’t parked properly, you often wonder whether the owner even took driving lessons and wish that you could just give them a piece of your mind.
Well, now you actually can!
A Malaysian created “bad parking” cards that are meant to be left on the windshields of Malaysians who just suck at parking. Syafiq was inspired by someone else who found a similar card on their windshield and decided to create a Malaysian version.
He shared on Twitter a few images of the Malay version which immediately went viral and garnered 13,900 retweets and 13,000 likes.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
On the card is a photo of a pig behind the wheel with bold red words saying, “You park like an idiot.”
At the bottom of the card are smaller letters saying, “Please retake all your JPJ classes and learn how to park. You are not the only one driving in Malaysia.”
At the back of the card, a few of the most common parking offences are listed down like “This spot is for disabled drivers” and “You took up two parking spots”.
So when you come across a car that’s just parked horribly, you can tick an offence in the checklist and leave the card on their windshield.
However, after getting some feedback, he revamped the card and made a politer version.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
The new card features the words, “You park without mercy” with the same checklist that have been reworded a little.
“Please be aware of your surroundings. Don’t be selfish. You’re not the only one paying road tax. Respect each other. But seriously, go learn how to park properly,” it reads.
Wouldn’t you like to leave this card on someone’s car? Well, the cards are now up on sale!
Just reach out to Syafiq on Twitter to purchase the cards. 50 pieces will cost you RM18 while 100 pieces will cost you RM30.
Syafiq notes, however, to not misuse them.
Brb, gonna get myself some ‘bad parking’ cards.
Also read: Watch: These M’sians Used Car Jacks as ‘New Tyres’ To Push Double Parker’s Car Away