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“Thank God it’s the knee.” – M’sian Shares Funny Story of How He Failed His JPJ Test TWICE


Collage Jpj
Source: TikTok & 123RF

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One of the moments many of us Malaysians will most likely experience if not as teenagers, then at any point in our lives, is learning to drive and take the Road Transport Department (JPJ) test

Since almost every Malaysian has taken the test before, there are plenty of stories about it – how some of us studied really hard for it but failed and how some of us paid ‘extra fees’ to pass.

Recently, a TikTok video posted by Malaysian singer-songwriter Danial Chuer went viral.

It was a short comedic video sharing his experience taking the JPJ test.

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He said he’d taken the test twice and failed both times.

“Guys, your boy over here has already failed the JPJ test twice. The first time was because I forgot to put on my seatbelt,” he shared.

“And the second time was because of issues with my parking and how I accidentally grabbed the examiner’s knee thinking it was the gear stick.”

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Netizens can relate

The video gained over 200,000 views and has prompted many netizens to express their amusement at the story, share their own funny stories of taking the test and tips on how to pass it.

“Thank god it’s the knee.”

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“I thought you’d have automatically passed once you grabbed his knee.”

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“When I took my JPJ test, I was so nervous about switching gears that I accidentally grabbed the examiner’s hand. I cried, so he just let me pass.”



“It’s like this. Next time you take the JPJ test, pray that it’s a Friday and raining. It was a rainy Friday when I took my test – they let me pass even though my car went on the divider.”



Looking back, it might be funny, but anyone who has gone through something similar knows that it was probably very awkward in the moment.


Nonetheless, it makes quite a story to tell at parties or over meals!


Also read: “Turn left if there are no vehicles.” – Patient M’sian Man Calmly Walks To Car And Asks Driver To Read Road Sign Properly

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Source: 123RF
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok

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