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Thai Woman Makes Touching Tribute to Late Pet Cat by Turning Its Final Scratch Mark into a Tattoo


Feat Image Scratch To Tattoo
Source: TikTok

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A TikTok post has gone viral among social media users in Thailand recently, depicting a woman’s touching tribute to her pet cat, Mal, which sadly died after suffering from health complications.

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The post by TikTok user @tomsarinee, known as Tom, has garnered over 3.8 million views in just one day and shares the Thai woman’s journey of getting her first-ever tattoo, which was in tribute to her late feline BFF.

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In the post, Tom shared that she had never been fond of tattoos but after Mal’s passing on 28 September, she got the idea of a tattoo that would be a fitting tribute to her late cat and something that will always make her remember it.

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Tom elaborated that throughout her time with Mal, the feline always left her with scratch marks, hence she got the idea to turn the last scratch mark given by Mal into something permanent: A tattoo.

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Dubbing it a tattoo “designed by Mal”, Tom contacted a young tattoo artist to turn the last scratch mark by Mal on her thigh into a tattoo.

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Based on the photos shared by Tom, it looked like the tattoo artist did a fantastic job and more importantly, she was definitely happy with the end result.

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The post also shared some photos of Mal at the later end of its life before it succumbed to ailments.

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The pet cat had been with Tom for 12 years but suffered from gallstones and had a cyst in its liver and gallbladder that caused the feline to vomit every time it ate.

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As Mal was already at an advanced age, the cat couldn’t undergo surgery as the risk was too high. Tom could only manage the symptoms and she even had to feed Mal as it could no longer eat by itself.

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After a month of treatments and care, Mal succumbed to its ailments and sadly, died.

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So, what do you guys think of the touching tribute by Tom to her late feline BFF, Mal? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.


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Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok
Source: TikTok

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