We have a perception that monks are supposed to be pure, chaste and have decided to forgo mainstream society to live a life dedicated to prayer and contemplation. But this Thai netizen recently found out that it may not necessarily be the case, when he was on board a bus heading to Nong Bua Lamphu province.

Source: Wittawat Wonghajuk
Wittawat Wonghajuk wrote,
“I was on the bus heading home to Nong Bua Lamphu, when I suddenly heard some strange sounds. When I looked over, a monk was holding up a mobile phone but what was shocking is that he was watching porn openly. In addition, he had turned on the sound really loud and wasn’t wearing earphones while watching.”
Source: Wittawat Wonghajuk
After posting, his status which had several videos got more than 3,500 shares and got incredulous reactions from other netizens.
The monk, who was clad in full religious attire and has a shaved head appears to be wearing sunglasses while enjoying his on-board entertainment, is oblivious to the reactions of the passengers surrounding him. Perhaps the sunglasses is to hide his identity?

Source: Wittawat Wonghajuk
It seems that at one point, the female passenger sitting in front of him feels something is amiss and turns around to see what is going on, but can only see the monk propping up his phone on the headrest in front of him.

Source: Wittawat Wonghajuk
Well, it looks like monks has grasped the wonders and usefulness of modern technology!
Also read: Malaysia Ranked 8th Country in the WORLD That Watches VR Porn the Most