A snake, even without poison in its ferocious fang, can still be lethal. Its ability to wrap itself around you and crush you to death is pure nightmare fuel, not to mention how it can slither its way into your house without you knowing.
A man in Thailand recently experienced something traumatised when a snake sought comfort with him. Guess what, gentlemen? Nowhere is safe.
The snake comfortably found shelter inside the man’s boxers that he WAS WEARING while he was asleep. We kid you not, that’s NOT even the scariest part.

The serpent was the poisonous snake amongst all – the cobra!
The rescue operation was shared on the Facebook account of Ner KhwaiTai, where a bunch of people were spotted outside the victim’s house just to be “spectators”.
When the rescuers entered the victim’s bedroom, he didn’t dare to move a muscle (we don’t think we would, too). One wrong move and a dose of venom enters your body, and you know what comes next.
The rescuers were told that the serpent was inside the boxers and around his left thigh. Yikes!
One of the expert rescuers simply used a hook to drag the reptile’s tail and very carefully, drag it out of the newly found shelter. Another rescuer recorded the incident and urged the victim to stay calm.
When the snake was successfully dragged out of the boxers, the rescuers told the victim to get up and carefully get away from the snake while they put the slithering animal into a bag. It was then released into the wild.
Fortunately, no injuries were reported but honestly, if it happened to you, can you ever sleep peacefully again? To those who have encountered snakes in your house, what was it like?
Also read: “It was creeping onto our feet!” – 2 Sisters in Johor Traumatised as a Python Sneaked Into Their Bed