Disclaimer: This article mentions murder and other graphic details that may be distressing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. Malaysia has had its fair share...
Hiring a live-in helper can be a huge help as well as a huge risk as you’re ultimately allowing a stranger into your home. For one...
If you could be any fictional or real-life character for a day, which one would you be? You have a whole gallery of superheroes and villains...
When it comes to buying new clothes and home products to freshen up ourselves and our homes, every Malaysian has been through this dilemma before: “Should...
Like many Malaysians during the enforcement of the Movement Control Order, I spent a whole lot of time at home. With working from bed home being...
Unfair labour practices and slavery should be addressed ASAP! According to a report by UK-based daily Telegraph, Karex’s condom manufacturer in Selangor had reportedly practised unfair...