Babies are cute and adorable creatures but since they are so young, their immune systems are still fragile. This makes them more prone to getting diseases...
You wouldn’t have thought that drinking out of water bottle would turn into a life-threatening situation, but that is exactly what happened to this six-year-old boy...
If you follow The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, you’d know that the TV host does a lot of impersonations of famous people for comedic purposes. He...
A few taxi drivers recently disrupted a dialogue session by Dr M in Langkawi by leaving halfway through the event. How rude! The actions of these cabbies...
Road bullies are getting more rampant all over the nation, which is quite a nuisance to us rational road users. What is your problem man? Recently,...
Sometimes, it seems like it would be great fun to have an identical twin, as movies and books have shown us but these two couples in...