An audio clip of a female teacher from a secondary school in Perak has been making rounds after she allegedly insulted a student. According to China...
The government is being urged to come up with new and more specific laws to deal with 3R-related offenses (race, religion, and the royal institution) so...
Somali advocate, Datu Wahid Dahir, recently took to his Instagram page to share a video of alleged local residents of the condominium, beating a Somali man...
Back in 2017, a Singaporean uncle had gone viral for his rude and obnoxious behaviour towards a stranger at an ATM in Singapore. The stranger, a...
Disclaimer: This piece reflects the opinions of readers on the subject matter and the opinion of the writer. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions or...
After Malaysian pharmacy store chain, BIG Pharmacy issued an apology after receiving backlash for an offensive promo video, the local influencer, Song Bill who starred in...
There’s a notion that only Malaysians are able to make fun of Malaysia, and that’s been enforced long before the controversy of the ex-Singaporean comedian, Jocelyn...
Malaysian mothers to children of foreign fathers have long battled the Malaysian authorities to allow their children citizenship into the country. And while they may finally...
Malaysia may be a multiracial country, with residents of various skin tones, but we still have a long way to go when it comes to our...
Although most us are probably more familiar with Western made movies, short films and documentaries, it must be reminded that there are also plenty of amazing...
Hanis Onn’s suspension over her racial slur may be too harsh for some, but former Minister of Sports and Youth, Faizal Azumu does not think that...
Whether we like it or not, race plays a huge part in our country. We undoubtedly have our share of racism and discrimination in the country...
Following the political struggle that is going on right now, several TikTok users have shared their thoughts on what would happen if Pakatan Harapan really would...
You know how there’s this habit in Malaysia where people lock their car doors when they see a brown person, because apparently all brown people are...
Although we undoubtedly have our share of racism and discrimination in the country, how bad do we fare against other countries? According to a survey done...
What’s worse than unsolicited advice? Well, unsolicited advice filled with racism, sexism and xenophobia given to a random person you don’t know while walking inside a...