Pythons are admired for their stunning patterns and colors. As large snakes, they need special care, including a spacious enclosure, precise temperature and humidity control, and...
Not everyone are animal lovers (and that’s fine, to each their own), hence some habits that pet owners have can seem strange to non-pet people. A...
Say what you want, but chickens can make wonderful companions. Not only are they excellent at producing eggs, but they can also provide a wonderful source...
Introducing your dog to a new pet can be a tricky situation, especially if you’re scared that your dog might harm the new pet. Thankfully, for...
It can be comforting to have a pet or two at home as your companion, but the experience will not always be a walk in the...
Some animals, especially your pets, can understand what you’re telling them at times. They just can’t respond to you like we do to everyone else. (Well,...
Dogs are men’s best friend and just like other pets, they deserve to be treated humanely and with love. To lose and grieve a pet is...
With how much most of us shop online, receiving parcels is almost a daily activity. However, it is inevitable that sometimes the abang delivery just comes...
Hold a fresh fish and try luring a cat with it. You’ll see the feline come running towards you. It’s like serving a cup of blood...
A TikTok post has gone viral among social media users in Thailand recently, depicting a woman’s touching tribute to her pet cat, Mal, which sadly died...
There are certain places where pets are strictly not allowed, be it your pet dog or cat. As long as it’s an animal, they’re not meant...
To solve Taiwan’s plummeting birthrate, presidential candidate Terry Gou believes that the crisis could be solved by giving couples with a child a free pet as...
As cute as your pets can be, not all places allow you to bring along your pet cats or dogs, and everyone is expected to follow...
What would you do if your pet was in danger? Would you stand by and watch as it suffers or would you step in and do...
Being a pet owner is a huge responsibility that most children do not know about. Recently, a father in Jinan City, Shandong, China, has taken it...
A while back, it was reported that a hotel in Hong Kong wanted to cater to four-legged guests by offering owners who brought their pets a...