This group of young adults showed just how easy it is to show common courtesy on the road as they performed this funny gesture when they...
It’s against the traffic rules to drive or ride WITHOUT a valid license and road tax. Unfortunately, many Malaysian road users ignore the consequences and think...
When traveling to other countries, we have no idea what the place has in store for us to discover and get used to. Some might even...
Last year, PDRM confirmed that hands-free driving or autopilot mode is not allowed in Malaysia, following the incident of a Singaporean couple who travelled in our...
Malfunctioned street lights can be dangerous as driving in a dark area not only compromises the vision of the driver but it might also lead to...
Being on the road is perhaps one of the most dangerous places to be nowadays. With some drivers running against the red lights or speeding on...
Although there are many different ways to get around Malaysia, driving is undoubtedly one of the most popular, particularly for individuals who don’t have easy access...
Driving safely and responsibly is not the only thing that you need to keep in mind when you’re on the road. There are certain rules &...
1 of the biggest nightmares while driving on the road is getting your car malfunctioned especially on a busy road. The possibility of being a victim...
Reckless driving does not only endanger yourself but also puts other road users at risk. Recently, a video that shows a Singapore vehicle driven recklessly has...
No one said relationships were easy. Even in a marriage, there can be ups and downs. It all comes down to compromise and communication. In a...
Many of us would be aware by now of the importance of making way for ambulances on the road. But even so, we all would have...
Since the beginning of time, using your phone while driving has always been an offence taken seriously by the PDRM. However, even after authorities implemented the...
Always be alert of your surroundings when you’re on the road, regardless if you’re a driver or a pedestrian. It only takes one moment of distraction...
If you’re in the area, please be careful and cautious while driving! A terrible collision between a cash security van and a lorry tanker took place...
According to Tuck, microsleeps are short bursts of sleep, often experienced without the person even being aware they took place. They can be experienced by anyone...