Giving out duit raya is rooted in the tradition of enticing children to visit their elders, a tradition befitting Hari Raya celebrations throughout the years. The tradition...
Japan is the land of the weird for sure! Just recently, a fried chicken franchise called Tenka Torimasu unveiled their latest creation, which features the SWEAT...
Genting Highlands has been around since the ’70s. So yeah, its been around for a really long time. It’s even older than some of us! The...
Before this, most people would agree that high fashion is mostly catered towards a niche market. After all, only fashionistas could really understand (and stylishly rock)...
What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done with a durian? Well, people have become more and more creative with durians nowadays. Some thought that...
Singapore is often joked as a ‘kiasu’ country, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing! For starters, their level of education is on a completely different...
Some people disregard quality service when they have no enthusiasm to work in the industry. But there are some truly passionate people who will absolutely outshine any...