Breastfeeding is a completely natural thing… If you’re feeding babies, of course. When it comes to breastfeeding ADULTS on the other hand, it becomes a whole...
Pests are completely unhygienic and should never be near our food. So of course citizens are outraged at a recent case of a rat found near...
There’s recent hype about a super fluffy cake that’s coming to Malaysia and everyone couldn’t be anymore excited! Ladies and gentlemen, meet the OriginalCake. This famous...
A few outrageous videos recently went viral depicting the abuse of an infant by her very own father. Two graphic short video clips and a picture...
Featured image source: zerohedge Blinded but desperation and lust, another man falls victim to a prostitute scam and 37-year old Loh happened to be that man, reports...
We’ve been hunting them down and shunning these creatures, but turns out cockroaches’ milk is the world’s most nutritious substances. The milk of the Pacific Beetle...
Jennifer Mulford is the woman that had brought breastfeeding to a whole NEW level! A lady by the name of Jennifer Mulford from Atlanta, United States has...
There’s a new craze going on in Taiwan and is slowly spreading all over the world thanks to globalization. I’m looking at you Internet. The unique packaging...
Recently Timothy Tiah, a customer of a dairy milk brand Farm Fresh Milk was upset at his purchase when the milk he bought apparently turned bad...