At the 10-corner fight in Batu, we can probably say that the most interesting candidate is Cleopatra, a single mother of 2. During her campaigns, she...
We’re familiar with weird food combinations that turned out to be surprisingly delicious, such as ice cream + fries, durian + rice, and Maggi + murtabak....
If you don’t already know by now, the prices of necessities such as food items are once again skyrocketing, leaving many B40 and M40 community members...
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended our lives. From remote working to social distancing and school closures, there is a lot to manage for everyone, especially parents....
There have been a number of allegations thrown around in the past of celebrities who plagiarised the names, products and even designs of other brands. Recently, Malaysian...
Giving birth can be a stressful experience, especially if you are forced to do it in a car. One local woman had to endure just that,...
Whether you are a new student or a returning one, the Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly brought about a sense of uncertainty. However, as we have started...
It’s an undeniable fact that Malaysian parents are the most pro at making their children consume things that are good for them. We’ve all definitely been through...
The police have arrested a man for stealing three tins of baby formula milk from an outlet in Miri Times Square, Sarawak on 11 September. According...
Life in lockdown has been pretty difficult for parents with children as we watch our kids spend almost two years cooped up at home. Although limited,...
A parent would do anything in order to make sure their children are safe and fed, including offering their shoes as payment for food items. One...
This is a submission from an ongoing initiative by WORLD OF BUZZ to help those in need during the pandemic. If you would like to be...
This is a submission from an ongoing initiative by WORLD OF BUZZ to help those in need during the pandemic. If you would like to be...
As we’re well into our second year of lockdowns, it’s become common knowledge that many people are struggling. Many have lost their jobs to layoffs and...
These babies have no names, parents or even nationalities left to protect them. With the never-ending lockdown, many deep-seated problems in the country have been uncovered...
The pandemic isn’t just causing people to lose their businesses, it’s also making some citizens lose the roofs above their heads. Oftentimes, the homeless go unnoticed...