Boredom kills… marriages, apparently. Last year, the TikTok page @gengtaktakutbini shared an anonymous confession of a Malaysian woman, who identified herself as Wawa. She cheated on...
A hardcore Harimau Malaya fan, Derrick recently revealed that he sold his motorcycle to fund himself to Qatar to watch the football match. A Malaysian content...
Being a single parent can be hard, especially when it comes to the loneliness of not having a partner to parent with you. One Malaysian single...
As children and teenagers, we may think that our parents’ efforts are small or not valuable. But, it’s never too late to realise otherwise while they’re...
Goodbye, and farewell is never easy. If we have the option, we want to avoid it at all costs. Unfortunately, fate has written everything and no...
It’s not every day you get to see your favorite celebrity, especially the ones from another country. In an attempt to show his love for his...
A man accepted his wife’s wish to take her best friend as his second wife and proceeded with the marriage on December 24 (Sunday). The 38-year-old...
“New year, new me, and please be nice to me, 2024!” Many of us often come up with New Year’s resolutions as a motivation to push...
“I take you to be wife from this day onwards, for better, for worse, in health and sickness till death parts us.” Wedding vows are possibly...
Generally, a man pays for the date, especially when you’re officially in a relationship with your partner. Sometimes, they go Dutch but as someone who is...
If it’s meant to be, it will be. Fate has written everything for you, including who you’ll cross paths with, regardless of where you are and...
Kids don’t lie. They express their feelings through words, facial expressions, or body language. If they’re enjoying the moment, you’ll know it and when it comes...
The forbidden relationship kind of story is always the weirdest, if not the most extreme. On Dcard, a Chinese anonymous confession platform, a post recently went...
Just recently, a Malaysian woman, Samantha (pseudonym) expressed her frustration about dealing with her mum when it involves giving the latter her monthly allowance. Samantha earns...
We all have that one person in life whose strong influence leaves a great impact – our mothers. Nothing is greater than a mother’s love. @softnotsoph...
Our dads may rarely say “I love you” to us but the alpha figures definitely have their own ways of telling us that they are always...