A monumental period of teenagers born in the year 2006, the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations officially began today, 30 January 2023. However, portions of the...
Do you remember the good old days that we look forward to almost yearly? Yes, it’s the day that the Milo trucks come to school and...
Neelofa has become a hot topic among Malaysian netizens once again after news broke out that she and her family were fined a total of RM60,000...
If you have a lot of questions, it is probably the time to find some answers. And if you’re a hardcore Instagram user, you would be...
This is outrageous! A bunch of teens in Indonesia were seen feeding alcohol to a helpless kitten in a viral video. Health Detik reported that the...
Living in Asia, our parents and other relatives have always advised us with all kinds of amazing superstitions and beliefs while we were growing up, to...
Sometimes, it’s not about how much a romantic date costs, it’s about the effort behind it! Though some may look down upon the idea of celebrating Valentine’s...
We’ve all been there: horrific typos, love notes wrongfully sent to the work chat group (intended for the S.O.!), or late night texts to the ex...
If you follow international supermodel Bella Hadid on Instagram, then you would probably know that she uploaded a video of her on the way to Kuala...
Cancer is perhaps one of the scariest illnesses a person can get, and while the journey to recovery may be long and challenging, the most crucial...