Most of us have seen those gruesome scenes from the Final Destination movie franchise, where each character seems to meet their death in a tragically freaky...
Just yesterday (17 April), a young man’s leg was shockingly severed after he got into a horrible motorcycle accident. This incident happened in Jalan Jelutong, Georgetown...
We hope you’re reading this on an empty stomach, because this is a gruesome one. Police have just discovered a skull and chunks of flesh, along...
Doesn’t your heart sink whenever you see news of cute dogs and cats being killed for their meat in certain countries? How could anyone kill them, just...
We’ve all heard stories of notorious serial killers like Charles Manson and the Zodiac Killer and thought, ‘It’s a good thing we don’t have stories like...
Earlier this week, Japan and the rest of the world were rocked by the horrific news of a Japanese serial killer who reportedly confessed to murdering...
How horrifying! A Bangladeshi man was recently found dead in a drain near a mosque in Section 27, Shah Alam on Monday morning (25th September). The...
Yesterday morning, a tragic accident took place in Kulai, Johor, when a 53-year-old motorcyclist was flung into the air and landed on the slow lane of...
India saw a rather harrowing murder due to greed and money just recently. A woman shot her husband dead and stuffed his 6-foot-3-inches tall body in...
A man from Penang was recently found dead, after someone stumbled across his hanging body in the stairwell. The man had hung himself from the staircase of...
The Bersih rally is a huge one that’s organized in Malaysia as the original aim was to seek reformation of the current electoral system in Malaysia to...
They say you never really know a person. In this case, for 37-year old Grace, it couldn’t be any more true. Image source: The Sun In...
A shocking video was posted online and the footage shows rats being boiled alive then stripped of their fur by restaurant workers. Apparently, these rats are being...