While other kids in school have to come up with lame excuses such as “my dog ate my homework”, this boy can save himself from all...
On 31 January, a young boy suffered severe injuries after the phone he was holding suddenly exploded. This heart-wrenching incident happened in Guangxi, China. According to...
Are we allowed to kill robbers who break into our house? Well, this is an age-old question with no definite answer as each case is judged...
Our time in college is often when we have the most memorable times of our lives as we are on the brink of adulthood but free...
In our tropical weather, it is quite the norm for some of us to sleep without a stitch of clothing on our bodies (or perhaps in...
A 22-year-old man, Amirul Ismad had reportedly hung himself in his bedroom after leaving suicidal notes on Facebook. Source: Facebook According to Lobak Merah, the young...