Many a time, people will do their best to tear you down and take you off the pedestal you worked so hard to put yourself on.
And what do you say to those people?
Our Minister of Youth and Sports, Syed Saddiq (@SyedSaddiq) took to his Twitter account to teach us all how to deal with a bully. Twitter page Naratif Rakyat (@NaratifRakyat) had posted a photo of Syed Saddiq from 2013, in which he was caught in a compromising position. He was photographed dancing in a club.
Tissue tak terkoyak ke masa buat joget style gerudi?
— Naratif Rakyat (@NaratifRakyat) November 7, 2019
Naratif Rakyat wrote, “Did your muscle tissue tear when you were twerking?”
They were referring to an incident in which Syed Saddiq sustained injuries on the tissues of his shoulder and neck after a UMNO Youth member had assaulted him, as according to Channel News Asia.
But instead of lashing back at the petty tweet, Syed Saddiq, who was Asia’s best debater, took the high route out of the situation by proving that he was the bigger man.
#OkBoomer Semua orang ada sejarah, termasuk saya.
I cannot change my past, but i can change my future.
I owned up to it. Saya mengaku dan tidak mahu menipu.
Ini pada tahun 2013. Isu lapuk.
Jom bincang isu dasar, isu negara. Focus should be on the rakyat.
— Syed Saddiq (@SyedSaddiq) November 11, 2019
He wrote, “#OkBoomer, everybody has a history and so do I. I cannot change my past, but I can change my future. I owned up to it. I admitted it and I don’t want to lie. This was in 2013. It’s an outdated issue. Let’s talk about issues of policy and the nation. The focus should be on the people.”
The term #OkBoomer is used as a dismissive term aimed at baby boomers who look down at the struggles of millennials.
Netizens have since spoken out in support of Syed Saddiq, encouraging him to ignore the naysayers and to continue growing as a person.

Source: Twitter
This comment goes, “That’s right YB, when it’s time to dance, we’ll dance with all our hearts, when it’s time to serve, serve with all your heart. Keep it up!”

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
Hence, in the immortal words of Syed Saddiq, you can’t change your past but you can change your future. So don’t let anyone use your past to dictate your future, especially when you’re on the right path towards becoming who you’re meant to be.
Syed Saddiq’s posting has since garnered over 18,200 retweets.
And to all the bullies out there, you’ll never look good trying to make someone else look bad.
Also read: “Mat Lajak Cyclists Can Represent The Country If Trained Properly”, Syed Saddiq Says