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“Risky for rescue work” – Politician Says Viral Missing Girl from Setapak is in Myanmar’s Civil War Area


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Source: Facebook | 雪州网 MySelangor & Facebook | Sim Chon Siang 沈春祥

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Do you remember the viral girl from Setapak who went missing in April last year? Chia Min Yong, who was only 22 last year did not return home after telling her mother that she was headed to Johor to meet a client. In case you’ve forgotten the deets, you can refresh your memory here.

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It has been almost a year and unfortunately, Min Yong has not returned home to her family. However, a politician, Sim Chon Siang from Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has shed a piece of information that might be useful. In an interview with Oriental Daily, Sim revealed that his informants told him about the exact location of Chia Min Yong, who is believed to be in the suburbs 80 km away from Myawaddy, a township in southeastern Myanmar.

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With that information, Sim and his team could’ve flown to the place to confirm the authenticity of the details, and proceed with his search and rescue mission. Sounds easy, right? Unfortunately, things are always not as simple as we think they’ll be.

Ongoing civil war

Sim said that the area where Min Yong is believed to be right now is currently in a civil war, and no one dares to enter the area which will undoubtedly be risky. That explains why the search and rescue mission has been suspended.

The civil war in the rural areas of Myanmar has been ongoing for almost 2 years now since May 2021. The civil war is known as the Myanmar Spring Revolution, which you can read more about it here.

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Additionally, rescue work for the victims who were conned to Thailand, Burma, and Vietnam for forced labor has been ongoing for years. Many victims have been rescued thanks to the efforts from the relevant organisations in Malaysia, but unfortunately, the rescue work may not be ending any time soon.

Sim also said that rescuing each conned victim will cost around RM20,000, which made it difficult for an MP who earns around the same figure monthly.

Regardless, it has been almost a year since Min Yong’s disappearance. We hope for nothing but only safety for Min Yong, as well as the rest of the victims.


Also read: M’sian Girl Goes Missing in Setapak After Telling Her Mum That She’s Leaving Home To Look For A Job

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Source: Al Jazeera

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