Qing Ming is a festival where the younger generations would visit their ancestors’ graves to do some clean-up as a way to honour and remember their ancestors.
The recent heavy pouring rain has left many of the graves flooded with water, and people had to figure out how to deal with this stagnant water when they visited the grave.
Just yesterday, a netizen Daw Lee took it to Facebook to show how this particular guy dealt with the flood water in his relative’s grave. And it will make you cringe like never before.
From the footage, a guy in white T-shirt can be seen scooping up water from his relative’s grave with a red pail. But the big hoo-ha here was, he ridiculously poured it over to the next grave, causing that grave to flood instead! That. Is. Not. Cool.

Source: Daw Lee Facebook

Source: Daw Lee Facebook
On his Facebook, Lee wrote:
“It’s early in the morning, and already these few people were doing such uncivilised things.
“They were so lazy to even just take a few steps (to pour the water somewhere else). These people are just idiots! If they did the same thing onto my grandpa’s grave, they will get it from me. This incident happened at Machang Bubok, Penang.”
The post instantly went viral with over 12,000 shares in less than a day. Many netizens were enraged and see it (obviously) as a disrespectful gesture.
“This is too much! If it was me, I would’ve smash their ancestor’s tomb!” a netizen said.
“This is plain stupid! But don’t worry, the ancestor next door will go and ‘find’ them tonight,” another netizen commented.
However, there were also some netizens who said:
“Water symbolises wealth, and by dumping the water to the next grave, he was actually dumping away all his wealth and fortune.”
Not ONG for you man!
Qing Ming is about honouring ancestors, but it seems all this guy did was bringing shame to his ancestors and family.
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