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Pornhub Reveals Malaysian Women Ranking 7th In World For Watching Porn On Mobile


Pornhub'S Recent Statistics Reveal That Malaysian Women Watches More Porn On Mobile - World Of Buzz 5

Infamous porn site Pornhub recently released new statistics about the users on their site. Don’t pretend like you haven’t heard of them!

Based on their statistics, it shows that 72% of their page traffic comes from mobile users while the remaining 28% is from desktop users.

Pornhub's Recent Statistics Reveal That Malaysian Women Watches More Porn On Mobile - World Of Buzz 1
Source: thestar.com.my

However, you would be surprised to know that from that 72% of mobile users, the majority of the users are female. 

According to the statistics dated February 2017, 80% of the traffic came from women who were on mobile devices as compared to the 69% from males.

Pornhub's Recent Statistics Reveal That Malaysian Women Watches More Porn On Mobile - World Of Buzz
Source: thestar.com.my

What’s more, Malaysian women are actually ranked 7th in the list of women who access Pornhub through their mobile devices.

The report, released March 7, stated that 84% of Malaysian women who browsed on Pornhub used a mobile device.

Pornhub's Recent Statistics Reveal That Malaysian Women Watches More Porn On Mobile - World Of Buzz 2
Source: ohmymedia.cc

South Africa ranked first with 91% of women doing so. The United States ranked second with 89% while Britain follows closely behind at 86%. The only other two South-East Asian countries listed on the list were Indonesia in the 11th place with 80% and Thailand in the 13th place with 79%.

On the other hand, only 66% of Malaysian men accessed porn using mobile devices. The bigger the screen, the better, perhaps? 

Pornhub's Recent Statistics Reveal That Malaysian Women Watches More Porn On Mobile - World Of Buzz 3

The majority of women came from the 18-34 millennial age group and charted as the highest age group compared to the others.

Well, I guess everyone’s got a little secret.

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Japanese Man Found Death After Buried In Porn Magazine For Six Month - World Of Buzz 3