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“My pain & tears” – M’sian Businesswoman’s Jewellery at Home ALL Stolen, Suffers RM800K Loss


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Source: Facebook | Khalieda Yusra

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Imagine reaching home from work feeling exhausted, only for your much-needed rest forced to be put aside. A Malaysian businesswoman recently returned home from work and found out her house was broken into, and all her jewellery vanished.

Her total loss was approximately RM800,000, as revealed via her Facebook post.

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Kieda, who is known for her crepe business said the theft happened on April 24, but she decided to circulate the matter last night (June 2) after getting zero updates from the authorities.

“We’re living in trauma”

According to Kieda, the thieves went into the house through the window. While they did not leave her house in a huge mess, the perpetrators knew what to take.

“They took away my safe box, duit Raya, and my jewellery which I placed on the table near the window.”

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Kieda was sure the thieves had just left the scene when she reached home. They unconsciously left some clues behind.

“When I reached home, it smelled bad and the floor was wet.”

A police report was made immediately after the discovery but at the time of writing this article, Kieda has yet to receive any updates from the police, causing Kieda and her family to live in fear and trauma, wondering if the thieves will ever come back for more.

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Kieda added that she initially didn’t want to circulate the matter because she didn’t want to interfere with the police investigation.

“It wasn’t easy for me to get those things. No words could describe my pain, my sweat, and my tears. I lost my dad last year and this time, I lost my valuable belongings.”

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Despite the lack of response, Kieda is still hoping for an update from the police about the matter because “she misses her jewellery so much.”

“I hope the thieves are caught. The evidence is there.”

We cannot imagine having to suffer such a huge financial loss. Hopefully, Kieda can retrieve her belongings and this shall serve as a reminder to be careful with our personal belongings.


Also reminder: M’sian Businesswoman’s Jewellery Worth RM2.1 MILLION Gets Stolen by Fan, PDRM Returns it to Her

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