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M’sians are Reminded of Their School Days as Group of Multiracial Boys Sharing Nasi Lemak Goes Viral


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Source: Nor Hoda Haji Tarseh | Facebook

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The saying that everything starts from home may not be as true as we think it is, because from what we’ve experienced from our childhoods is that unity among different races start in school.

One example of this is a group of schoolboys who were seen at an eatery, sharing 2 packs of Nasi Lemak despite being of different races.

Content creator, Nor Hoda Haji Tarseh, took to his Facebook page to share the incident which caught his eye, while praising the boys for their sense of togetherness through sharing food.

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He wrote, “2 Malay boys, 1 Indian boy and 1 Chinese boy were sharing and eating 2 packs of Nasi Lemak. I was fascinated by their sincerity and their unity.”

Touched by their sense of racial harmony, Nor Hoda Haji Tarseh decided to pay for their boys’ meals.

“In the end, uncle treated them to their meals.”

A trip down memory lane?

Many others also took the opportunity to praise the boys, adding that the scenario reminded them of their schooling days where friendship among different races were a much loved norm.

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“This is what is called unity. Not looking at race and religion.”

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“This is the Malaysia that we want.”


A netizen even pointed out that this united culture among school kids of different races is still prevalent, though it is the racial politics played by politicians that bring about the destruction of our unity.

We genuinely hope that the younger generation learn to see past racial politics and bring forth a more unified Malaysia.

What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: “Don’t be bitter” – M’sians Defend KL Students’ Haka Performance from Being Shamed

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