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M’sian Woman Finds Out Unemployed Husband Has Been Selling Her Naked Photos for Money


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Source: 123RF & 123RF

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Do you really know the person who sleeps on the same bed with you every night? A Malaysian wife recently had to reconsider the question after finding out how her husband has been making the extra money.

The woman shared her dilemma via a Facebook post on Xuan Play, where she said her husband resigned from his job due to tiredness. It wasn’t an issue because they had savings and she was working, so the cash flow was still under control.

Until she noticed multiple conversations about “purchasings” on her husband’s phone.

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According to the man, he has been working from home, and from time to time, he would return to the office. After digging further, the woman was shocked to find out what was it that her man had been selling.

“He has been selling my naked pictures and videos.”

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She tried to confront the man, but the “allegations” were heavily denied and since then, all conversations about the business were immediately removed, and her husband has been inseparable from his phone.

The woman, however, managed to “collect” the evidence by taking pictures of the conversations on her husband’s phone when he was in the shower and kept a lid on it at the time being.

“You haven’t pleasured me in a while, pictures please”

She added that after giving birth, she was told by her man that she hadn’t been taking care of his “needs”. At times, he would ask for her sexy pictures so that he could take care of the urges himself.

When asked if he was going to sell the pictures, the man was enraged and started bringing up the past.

“Why did you look at my phone?! I sell the pictures because I think we can make money from it!”

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The woman was lost and the decision to divorce did cross her mind, but she was reminded of her kid who is only 1 year old.

It’s terrifying to know that sometimes, the person we marry and share the same bed with turns out to be the most dangerous stranger in our lives.


Also read: “He failed me instead” – 22yo M’sian Student Regrets Giving Her Body to Lecturer Who Promised Good Marks

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Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF

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