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M’sian Tour Guide Amazes Tourists by Speaking in Korean on Their Trip to Sabah


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Source: TikTok

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Taking to TikTok, videos of local tour guides in Sabah speaking in foreign languages have made their way onto the social media platform.

In one video, this tour guide converses in fluent Korean, code-switching midway to Bahasa Malaysia and giving instructions on the dos and don’ts of their water activity.

Here is a video of the tour guide in action.

Though unable to fully understand his instructions because the video was taken halfway through the conversation, you can witness that the Koreans on board nodded in understanding.

Like, talk about added-value service!

Overall, the tourists on board had fun with their water activity, and truthfully, this could be a determining factor and also a tourist attraction, knowing that tour guides in Sabah are able to converse in a language that you prefer.


What do you think of this? Let us know in the comments.



Also read: Lucky Tourists Get to Witness Borneo Elephant Herd Swimming Across the Kinabatangan River!

Feat Image Gajah

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