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M’sian Shares How She Spent 7 Months Growing Japanese Roses To Fulfill Grandma’s Dream


My Post 2021 04 05T131224.753
Source: Adnil Usi San

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Having a lawn isn’t something many Malaysian houses have, especially for those who live in cities.

So it’s only right that Malaysians who do have lawns make theirs extraordinarily beautiful, like how these people did!

Adnil Usi San took to her Facebook page to showcase seven months of hard work on her lawn, as the Japanese roses that she and her family planted all over their family home in Perak have finally come into full bloom, making the place look like an image taken straight out of a European storybook.

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Instead of planting the flowers in pots, they decided to plant and spread various shades of flowers all over their lawn, turning the space into a magical plethora of colours!

They used both duna and grandy variations of Japanese roses.

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All their hard work came into full bloom after about seven months.

She shared that the goal of planting the gorgeous garden was to fulfill her grandmother’s dream of having a lawn filled with Japanese roses.

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“She’s so happy that her diabetes and high blood pressure problems have gone back to normal,” Adnil shared with WORLD OF BUZZ.

Well, they certainly succeeded and with such beautiful results!

Kudos, Adnil! Your grandmother must be so proud!

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.


Also read: This Gorgeous Japanese Garden In Shah Alam Is Now Open To The Public

My Post 2021 03 16T105851.335

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