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M’sian Shares How Scammer Wanted to “Guide” Her Breastfeeding by Posing as MOH Consultant


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Source: X | ⚘.✧˖° ???? ??? ?????? ⚘.✧˖° & 123RF

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In today’s fast-paced digital era, it’s the younger, more tech-savvy population that often falls prey to fraud as online scams are on the rise in Malaysia.

In a recent Tweet, user @seriovslydot shared an unusual encounter with a scammer who went to great lengths by posing as a breastfeeding consultant.

The scammer reached out to her via Telegram, introducing himself as Atiqah, a breastfeeding consultant. Funnily enough, the reason provided for initiating contact was supposedly a mentor’s request to guide her through the breastfeeding process.


She expressed her confusion, stating,

“This is so out of the blue. Where did you find my Telegram? Who’s your mentor?”


The scammer then disclosed the mentor’s identity as Fatin Mazelan. Moreover, they went as far as detailing that their job required approaching pregnant women and mothers currently breastfeeding.

The bizarre nature of the scam left netizens in disbelief, prompting a strong reaction from the online community.


“This is surely a scammer and a creep. I remember someone tweeting about a similar situation, pretending to offer guidance on breastfeeding.”


“Did the scammer eventually admit to it? You should let his number go viral so that everyone can join in and teach him a lesson.”


“Fatin Mazelan is a legitimate doctor; she is a lactation or breastfeeding counsellor and happens to be a friend of my sister. However, this Atiqah person is, in fact, a scammer. Creeps tend to use her name simply because she is active on TikTok. It’s important to note that she has never conducted consultations through Telegram or mentored anyone, for that matter.”

You can read the complete story here.

With scams on the rise, it’s important for everyone to be alert and identify the telltale signs.


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