It’s that time of the year folks..
Ramadhan is almooosst over and it seems everyone around you is gearing up for Hari Raya.
It’s one of the most celebrated religious festivals here in Malaysia so it’s no surprise that most people are excited.
But just like the Christmas Grinch, we’ve got our very own local versions here with regards to Raya…
Malaysians have recently taken to Twitter to tell all their most brutally honest opinions of the holiday, prompted by a Tweet posted by @thezulfo who wrote “unpopular Raya opinion that would get you in this position” followed by a meme of a man surrounded by knives, hinting that the opinion might get you in trouble.
This “unpopular opinion” Twitter trend has made waves before but this time around we get to take a peek into another side of Raya.
Unpopular raya opinion that would get you in this position?
— ? ? ? ? ?® (@thezulfo) April 13, 2023
Warning! Proceed with caution!
These Tweets may be controversial as they are considered “unpopular” so keep in mind that these are just opinions.
It’s safe to say the replies to the tweet were pretty savage.
Though most people’s opinions had some truth in them, a few had some shocking takes on traditional food and kuih served during Raya.
One netizen just simply put in all caps that Lemang, Ketupat and Rendang, are all “NOT DELICIOUS TO EAT”.

That’s pretty harsh… right?
Meanwhile, these two people said that Rendang and kuih honey cornflakes is overrated.

Mayyybeee they’re right but it’s also rare to find good kuih honey cornflakes and plus the rendang served during Raya is special ok!!
If you’re making Cadbury tarts this year then take a tip from this Tweet, apparently the tarts are only nice to eat if the chocolate inside is melted and not hard.

That doesn’t sound easy to make!

And we’re pretty sure this person is an internet troll right? It’s pretty bizarre and definitely an unpopular opinion for his best Raya dish to be fish and chips. We think that’s kind of blasphemous!
Others shared an insightful perspective that parents and other family members should also seek forgiveness with each other regardless of age, during the morning of Raya.

This is an “unpopular” opinion as most young people are expected to participate in the Bermaafan tradition of asking for forgiveness from the elderly for any mistake or hurt caused before.
Netizens say that the elderly should also apologise for any hurt caused to other family members, even the young ones. But doing so is a taboo in most cultures as it can be seen as disrespectful to the elders.

One person also said that the tradition of asking for forgiveness shouldn’t only be practiced during Raya.
Another netizen shared a funny story of how he handles the notorious “when are you getting married?” questions from aunties and uncles.

He said last Raya his uncle jokingly said to him that “you’re taking awhile to marry at least 1 person”.
His comeback to the uncle was “you got married twice but all 3 ended up in divorce”.
We wonder if his uncle ever recovered from that burn..
If you’re willing to take the risk, perhaps preparing witty answers to these types of personal questions might make interacting with nosy elders less daunting.
“Raya isn’t a month long”
Getting to the realer side of Raya opinions, this netizen shared that it’s okay to not celebrate Raya and only perform the needed Islamic practices then take the day off to do nothing.
It seems a lot of people agree as the tweet has over 3000 retweets and 7000+ likes!

Two netizens simply put that Raya is just not fun, they feel that it’s actually tiring and expensive.

Some people just aren’t onboard the hype of Raya and we sympathise with them having to go through this time of year.

This netizen aptly put that Raya is actually just 2 days and not supposed to be celebrated a whole month but I guess majority of us just can’t help it!
Well, there you have it! A quick look into what some Malaysians actually think of Raya.
Do you think the kuih honey cornflakes is overrated? Let us know in the comments!
Also Read: Father Sells Laksa to Afford New Raya Clothes for Wife & Kids, M’sians Overwhelm Him With Support