If you have a credit card then remember to check your statement periodically! A man in Sibu had his credit card information stolen and it was used without his knowledge for two weeks. He said that he was totally unaware of this until he checked his credit card statement and found suspicious transactions on it.

Source: Financial Express
According to Oriental Daily, he said that he suspected his credit card information was stolen and due to this, he lost more than RM1,400 to the scammers. He said that he did not receive any notifications of transaction or verification codes from the bank when the scammer was using his credit card, which was why he was not aware of this issue. Some transactions don’t require verification codes!
When he logged in online to check his credit card statement, he found that there were unknown transactions over the past two weeks that would occur every two days. Each transaction amount ranged from RM100 to RM500, amounting to more than RM1,400.

Source: San Francisco
At first, he thought that his Facebook account had been hacked as many of the transactions were related to Facebook. However, after he checked, he realised that his credit card information was stolen and quickly called the bank to confirm.
He asked the bank to stop all the transactions immediately and luckily, one suspicious transaction amounting to RM750 was successfully stopped in time. It is unclear how the credit card information got stolen but this sounds really scary as the victim was not notified about any of the transactions.
It’s a good idea to check your statement periodically so you can catch any suspicious transactions before your bill is due!
Also read: Beware: Scammers are Now Calling Malaysians as FAKE Policemen and Telling You to Lapor Diri