Children are the purest forms of our species, up until the point where parents’ influences come into play.
For this 12-year-old Malaysian kid, his parents clearly taught him well, when it comes to helping others in need.
Nasaie Ismail took to his Facebook page to showcase his son, who saved up his money in order to pay the class fees of his friend who couldn’t afford to.

He wrote, “Yesterday, Yusuf asked for RM20, to complete his savings for a month which has reached RM80. The purpose is to pay a friend’s (class) fee.”
The little boy’s friend had to quit his religious classes as he couldn’t afford to pay the fees anymore.
“It turns out that he secretly collected his pocket money and the money that was given to him by his grandparents. He got RM80. The fee to be paid is RM100.”
“Alhamdulillah, this evening, InsyaAllah, Yusuf will pay the fee for his friend.”

Nasaie went on to explain that children should all have the opportunity to shine in their own way.
“Sometimes, when we see children like this, it will make us realise that the measure we put on each child cannot be the same. Especially in academia,” the father recounted.
“Not all children have the same abilities. But, every child is certainly made with their own unique advantages and those advantages need to be celebrated,” he added.
Kudos Yusuf, for being such a kind human being, and to Nasaie for raising him right!
Also read: Grade One Sarawakian Students Praised For Constantly Caring For Their Unique Friend