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M’sian Influencer Who Fat-Shamed Size “M” Said She Was Called A “Swollen Pig” & Starved At 48KG


Fat Shaming M'sian Influencer Said She Was Called A "Swollen Pig" & Starved For Being 48KG - WORLD OF BUZZ 3
Source: Mothership.sg & Instagram

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As most of you know by now, there was the whole Instagram drama that surrounded a particular Malaysian Instagram model who said girls who wear ‘M’ size are fat. If you haven’t read about that story yet, you can check it out here.

Fat Shaming M'sian Influencer Said She Was Called A "Swollen Pig" & Starved For Being 48KG - WORLD OF BUZZ

Source: 9GAG

However, after getting flack from netizens all over the country, the opinionated influencer posted an apology, saying:

“The post was intended for my model friends who like me, despite being of a healthy weight in the past, has previously been unable to secure a modelling job due to the size criteria imposed.”

Yesterday, she took to Instagram to post about her personal experience with these “imposed criterias” and how it affected her definition of what “fat” really was.

View this post on Instagram

以前健康體重的時候 (48-52kg) 穿的還是S,看下去還是個瘦子,一上鏡就變胖子,身邊所有人都叫我去運動減肥,有一次導演看完我在mont的playback大大聲喊工作人員不准給飯我吃因為我腫得像豬,之後的戲全被刪。過後經紀人每天都監督我的diet,我就開始去健身。 由於因為不夠瘦而慘遭工作上的抵制和歧視,從此我對‘健康體重或以上‘開始產生陰影。 胖子要減20磅或許很快,但瘦子要減更瘦真的很難。也就是從S減到XXS差不多這樣的意思。 S真的不代表你瘦得上鏡,只是代表你個字小或遠看下去還算個健康瘦子,但其實自己捏一下還是可以捏出很多肉,當然提前強調我說的是亞洲平均骨架身高的女生155-170cm。那種骨架高大的女漢子我就不說了。 後來怎麼成功減去10%脂肪動力其實需要很極端的心態和意志力才能從瘦減更瘦,天天吃雞胸肉吃了半年。男生要減脂肪很快,女生很難因為我們是長脂肪的體質特別是25歲以後,減肥那段時間真的很地獄,好像什麼social生活都犧牲了。

A post shared by @ cathrynli on

“When I used to be in the healthy weight range (48-52kg) and wearing size S, everyone around me told me to exercise and lose weight.”

The model even recalls a time when she was called a “swollen pig” by her own director for being within that healthy range.

“Once, the director read my playback and shouted loudly at the staff to not give me any food because I looked swollen like a pig. He deleted all of the takes we took that day.”

“After that point, my agent had to supervise my diet every day and I started going to the gym.”

The influencer says she was strongly discriminated against at work because she “wasn’t thin enough” and her thoughts on what a “healthy weight” was became blurred in the process.

Nonetheless, the model says that it takes “extreme willpower and mentality to lose weight”, admitting that she herself had to “eat chicken breasts every day for six months.”

She goes on to say that, weight loss varies for different body types:

“It may be very quick for a fat man to lose 20 pounds, but it is really difficult for a thin person to lose weight… Boys can lose fat quickly but it’s harder for girls because of our physiques, especially after the age of 25, to lose weight is really hell.”

Now that you know her story, what do you think? 


Also read: M’sian Influencer Says Girls Who Wear Size ‘M’ Are FAT, Stirs Up Anger Among Netizens

M'sian Influencer Says Girls Who Wear Size 'M' Are FAT, Stirs Up Anger Among Netizens - WORLD OF BUZZ

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