As a Malaysian, one of the most important things that you must have, is a driver’s license. While public transportation is on the rise in Malaysia, knowing how to drive definitely comes in handy.
Just recently, a Twitter user, Shabina (@ketengahketepi) shared a tweet of an anonymous confession. The anonymous confession reads,
“I’m so angry with my partner because he failed his JPJ test twice! Is he even taking this seriously?

I’m angry but at the same time I know I should be providing him comfort and support, but I’m just too mad about it. I’m so frustrated that I have the urge to tell him,
“Let’s just break up if you cannot pass for the 3rd time, you can’t even handle such a small matter.”

Shabina has mentioned in her tweet that the confessor should be more supportive towards her partner and many netizens agree.
Here’s what some of them said:
“You’re just tested with him not being able to pass his JPJ test and you already want to give up. If you’re not strong enough mentally, please don’t get married.
There will be many more challenges that’ll come your way. You have to be strong to face this. If this is how you’re going to be, you better just stay single for now.”

“It’s as if you’re the one paying for his license.”

“If you can’t even support your partner in such a small matter, you should just break up.”

“You should motivate him to take the test again, practice with him before his test, help him lose his nervousness. You should show your effort too.”

“I think you should just break up. Your partner is already stressed that he can’t pass his JPJ test, and you’re here making a fit.”

It’s always nice to be patient and supportive with your significant other. Remember to always communicate with your partner and make sure both parties are on the same page.
Have you encountered a similar experience? Let us know in the comments below!
Also read: Confused M’sian Shares That She is Unsure if She Should Marry Her BF as She Earns More Than Him