One thing we have to keep reminding ourselves on the road is to never, ever drive too closely to the vehicle in front of us, aka tailgating.
This is because unexpected situations can be around any corner, and here’s an example of that.
The 我们是马来西亚人 We are Malaysians Facebook page took to their profile to share a video of an accident (well, 2 accidents) that took place in Jalan Tun Razak, KL. It is unsure as to how the first accident happened, which showed an overturned car in the middle of the road, but the second accident took place because a car was following a lorry a little too closely.

In the video, a motorcyclist can be seen waving an oncoming vehicles to stop, as the overturned car was in the middle of the road and it appeared that there was someone inside.
The first vehicle incoming was a lorry, which stopped accordingly. A car that was in the lane next to the lorry managed to slow down as well, but immediately, a loud crash could be heard.

A car that was behind the lorry didn’t manage to stop in time and hit the back of the lorry.
Many have since pointed out that the car that had hit the lorry was at fault for not keeping a safe distance from the lorry in front of it.

“Can’t see such a big lorry? Aduhh, this is why during classes to get your license they’d say, keep your distance while driving. That is the main key to safety on the road.”

“Even when studying at driving schools back then you will be told to keep a distance with the vehicle in front of you. After getting your license, you have to always practice what was taught.”

“Drivers should keep a safe distance and know the situation of 100 meters ahead of them. You’ve kissed the lorry.”
Others pointed out that better efforts should have been made to warn the other road users, including by using the emergency warning triangles ahead of the road.
You can check out the video here:
What do you think? Should the people there have made better efforts to warn the road users or should the driver have kept a safer distance from the lorry? Or both?
Share your thoughts in the comment section.
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