Don’t you just miss travelling? More specifically, getting on a plane? We know… we miss it too.
With the ongoing pandemic, most of us have not travelled in almost a year! But, what if we tell you that you can get that feeling of sitting on a plane once again? Specifically, by the window seat!
This Korean company, Oneroommaking, creatively came up with the idea of a sunset-hue Airplane Window LED Light that exactly mimics what one would see when they’re on the air.
Isn’t it just beautifully breathtaking? Perfect for fooling your friends and family too!
Not only do they have a sunset view but also a sunrise view too. Both of them are equally stunning! Take a look.
The sunrise view showcases more warm yellow rays of sunlight peeking through a billow of clouds.

Whereas the sunset design depicts more pinkish-purple tones with a slight view of the airplane’s wing.

These aeroplane windows with LED lights also come in three different sizes: small, medium and large. It all depends on your preference and the placement of your choice in your home.
If you think this is something you would like to purchase, you can check out their website here.
Would you purchase one for yourself? Let us know in the comment section below?
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