Rejoice, Melaka peeps, because it looks like you guys will get to enjoy free public transport very soon!
Prior to GE14, one of the promises made in Pakatan Harapan’s state government manifesto for Melaka was to introduce free bus services by the end of August this year.
Now, following through on their promise, the free bus service will officially be introduced this 20th August at Melaka Sentral, reported the Malay Mail (just in time for the Merdeka holidays, too!).

Apart from encouraging tourists and locals to use public transport, the free bus service will largely benefit the rural communities, thus improving the well-being of Malaysians, according to State Public Works, Transport, and Public Amenities Committee chairman Mohd Sofi Abd Wahab.
This free service will reportedly cover the following routes between 8am and 6pm;
- Melaka Sentral-Hospital
- Melaka-Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC)
- Melaka Sentral-Melaka Transit Market

Source: klia2
On top of that, these buses will also be environmentally-friendly, as they will be running on natural gas for vehicles (NGV).
So, if you plan to visit Melaka later this month, you can expect to get around without a car for completely free!
Also read: Transport Minister: Unlimited Monthly Public Transportation Pass at RM100 Only in 2019