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Man Criticises GrabFood Rider For Putting Order On The Floor But Netizens Fire Back


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GrabFood riders are doing their best to deliver food to customers during this trying time and the least we can do is show our appreciation for them and perhaps give them a big tip. However, there are some people who are criticising GrabFood riders for just doing their job.

A video circulating online shows a GrabFood rider in Singapore placing some food items that are tightly sealed close on the floor while adjusting the other items in his bag.

On 8 May, one netizen who calls himself “Curry Ray Pratas” posted the video and condemned the rider for putting it on the floor because the ground might have Covid-19.

“What is the rider thinking putting customer’s food on the road floor?” he wrote.

“Even if there is plastic covering, it is still dirty. What if the road has the Covid-19 virus and it stays on the plastic bag, and the customer happened to touch it?”

“If the rider claims there is too much food and he cannot carry all order in his bag, then don’t pick up so many orders in the first place.”

However, those commenting on the post backed the GrabFoood rider, with many saying that there is still a plastic bag on the outside.







While others told him not to order food deliveries if he was uncomfortable.



While others related the experience of other food delivery men.



Well, what do you think? Is it alright for the food rider to put the order on the ground momentarily while he adjusts other items in his bag? Or is it totally unacceptable? 


Also read: Malaysian Grab Rider Delivers Cake Despite Thunderstorm, Gets Rewarded With RM100 Cash Tip

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