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Malaysians are Saddened by Sight of Rare Jambu Fruit Dove Found Dead Near Kuching Mall


Feat Image Jambu Fruit Dove Dead
Source: Animalia & Facebook

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Malaysia is home to a huge diversity of plant and animal species, one of which is the Jambu Fruit Dove, a gorgeous and colourful small bird species.

A shy and inconspicuous bird, it mainly inhabits mangrove swamps and lowland rainforests, camouflaged against the forest canopy by its green plumage.

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Unfortunately, the Jambu Fruit Dove is now classified as near threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), mainly due to deforestation.

Coupled with its shy behaviour, seeing one in person is a rare occasion and sadly, for this Kuching resident, his only encounter so far with the Jambu Fruit Dove is by stumbling upon a carcass of the bird near a mall in the Sarawak capital city.

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Taking to social media, the Kuching resident, Facebook user Pli Lee shared a photo of the carcass with the Kuching – Then and Now Facebook group.

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He asked if anyone recognised what type of bird it was and clarified that he encountered the carcass near The Spring Mall in Kuching.

Many commenters then correctly identified the bird as the Jambu Fruit Dove and shared how rare it is to encounter the species in the area. Moreover, many were saddened at the sight of such a rare and beautiful creature losing its life.

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One commenter said that the carcass is a male Jambu Fruit Dove as the females are yellowish green with the absence of red colour.

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The commenter further elaborated that you usually see the species in pairs and that locally, they are called “Burung Punai”. Hence, somewhere out there, a Jambu Fruit Dove is missing its partner. ?

Besides that, another commenter shared that he had only seen the species ever once, while another netizen shared how the species are now near threatened.

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So, what do you guys think of the Facebook post? Have you encountered any rare species before in our country?

Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments.


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Source: Wikipedia
Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

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