Raya is not all about feasting and celebration but also a great opportunity to seek forgiveness from each other. Just last night, in his Raya speech, PM Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim took the opportunity to apologise to all Malaysians through his wish.
In his speech which was shared on his socials @anwaribrahim, PMX invited those who celebrate to reflect on the meaning of Hari Raya itself and insisted that every struggle requires patience, wisdom, and careful planning to balance all aspects of nationhood.

“In today’s government administration, we must learn from the experience and wisdom of the leaders of the past.”
“Maaf Zahir dan Batin, it’s a unique tradition”
Anwar then highlighted Raya as the best time to seek forgiveness for mistakes and errors, because we’re only humans who cannot avoid making mistakes.
“Meet and forgive each other during this season of celebration. Don’t be arrogant to think that we’re perfect.”

For illustration purposes only
When wishing Selamat Hari Raya, we often end it with the phrase “Maaf Zahir dan Batin”, a phrase used to seek forgiveness for every error that has taken place. To PMX, the phrase resembles the unique tradition in Malaysia that is NOT practised by other Muslims in the world, except in Malaysia.
PMX himself made good use of that phrase and took the opportunity to extend his apology to ALL Malaysians.
“I apologise if I have said or done anything wrong that may have upset and dissapointed others. To those going back to your hometown, I pray for your safety. Please drive safe and think of your loved ones,”

He also prayed for strength to build unity, rapid growth, love for the needy, empower the people, and success, saying “Malaysia must continue to be strong & prosperous”. You can listen to PMX’s nearly 10-minutes long Raya speech below.
Perutusan Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1445H
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera.
Allahu akbar Allahu akbar Allahu akbar walillaahil hamd, diucapkan kepada seluruh umat Islam di Negara Malaysia tercinta.
Eid Mubarak.
Minal ‘aidin wal faizin wal maqbulin… pic.twitter.com/VLyRHcCp3t
— Anwar Ibrahim (@anwaribrahim) April 9, 2024
To all our Muslim friends, we wish you a prosperous celebration and Selamat Hari Raya! To those who are still on the road, drive safe!
Also read: PMX Cancels Federal-Level Hari Raya Open House as Part of Cost-Cutting Measures for the Country