Potholes are among the biggest problems in Malaysia, as not only does it damage vehicles but they also cause accidents, injuries and sometimes even the loss of life. So, why aren’t local councils taking the fixture of potholes seriously?
The Naratif Rakyat Twitter page recently shared a video of a man painting the words ‘duit saya‘ or ‘my money’ onto a freshly tarred section of the road in Klang, to emphasize that he had fixed potholes on the road with his own money after his location’s assemblyperson had not taken the issue seriously.
Prior to this, a motorcyclist had allegedly fallen off their motorcycle due to the potholes.

Naratif Rakyat wrote, “The road has so many holes until a motorcyclist can fall (off their motorbike). Complained to the Taman Sentosa Klang assemblyperson but there is still no action. Finally, a member of the public fixed (the potholes) with his own money! What’s the point of having a government that’s like this?”
In the video showcased, the man could be seen painting the words ‘duit saya’ or ‘my money’ on a freshly tarred section of a road in Klang.

“This is my money. This is your money. This is not YB’s money. I’m doing it like this so that they don’t claim (it to be their work). If not, we’ll be using our own money and they’ll claim it (as their work),” the man says to the camera.
It is believed that the assemblyperson for the area is Y.B. Tuan Dr Gunarajah A/L R George.
Considering the dangers potholes pose to road users, it is important that the local authorities take this matter seriously and fix roads properly and accordingly.
You can check out the video here:
Jalan berlubang sampai ada penunggang motor jatuh. Dh adu kpd Adun Taman Sentosa Klang tetap tiada tindakan. Akhirnya org awam baiki dgn duit sendiri !!
Apa gunanya ada kerajaan mcm ni? pic.twitter.com/9UNjOT2VUZ
— Naratif Rakyat ?? (@NaratifRakyat) January 9, 2024
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