The Japanese never seem to fail us with their creativity and innovation. This time, they found a way to sell Covid-19 PCR test kits conveniently to people in Tokyo.
As reported by SoraNews, one can purchase a Covid-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test kit from a vending machine in one of Tokyo’s neighbourhoods located in the grounds of Jyomyoin Temple, in Taito Ward.

Just A Push Of A Button

Each PCR test kit from the vending machine costs 3,500 yen (RM136.50) and is also sensitive in identifying active infections, which is why the kit is known to many as the “gold standard” for Covid-19 testings.
The machine is user-friendly and it does not take much effort to get yourself a test kit. Just simply put in your cash, hit the button and voila! You have yourself a Covid-19 test kit.
The PCR Test Kit

The test kit from the vending machine comes in a small box that is securely sealed. The kit is made for the convenience of users to test themselves at home. It is said that the process only takes five minutes of your time.

The test kit comes with an instruction manual, plastic bags, and apparatus to collect a saliva sample. Once the saliva sample has been collected, you can mail in your packaged sample using a provided envelope.
Once it is sent to a processing lab, results will be out within 24 hours. So quick!

Maybe this is something that we Malaysians should have here too! Wouldn’t this be much more convenient?
What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below.
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