A recent bullying case has shocked the nation once again, where a coach at a military-style school allegedly made a student put his feet in a bucket of boiling water right after training, causing second-degree burns, according to Sinar Harian.
Following the incident, Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman took to his X account to share his thoughts, calling it inhumane and shameful.
“I urge the police to investigate everyone involved”
Syed Saddiq has called on the police to raid and investigate everyone involved in the alleged bullying and abuse case at a boarding school in Kuala Lumpur.
He pointed out that this kind of military-style “education” at the school level could make things worse when students get to university.
“In military schools, students are ‘taught’ to torture and bully. And when they get into military universities, they get promoted and start learning how to ‘kill,'” he wrote.
“This is Royal ‘Abuse’ College, not Royal Military College”
Syed Saddiq went on to slam the bullying culture, saying students are pressured into joining these gangs just to get a promotion.
“In school, students are taught to bully, like making someone put their feet in boiling water. But at university, with a promotion, they move on to ironing people’s bodies.”
He then questioned whether the authorities were waiting for more lives to be lost before they took action on abuse claims.
“When parents send letters asking for clarification, what happens? The case gets ignored, and the principal just responds angrily and defensively. Are we seriously going to wait for more deaths before doing anything?” he wrote.
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