With more cases of Influenza A being reported daily, many are growing paranoid that they themselves might be victims of the infectious viral outbreak. However, the common cold is always a present threat, and one might mistake its symptoms for those of Influenza A. While these two sicknesses share similar symptoms, one is a lot more serious than the other. So if you’re looking to save yourself from unnecessary panic, pay attention to these signs to know the difference between a common cold and Influenza.

Source: Siakap Keli
While there are many shared symptoms such as fever, headache, cough, and sore throat, Influenza symptoms are generally worse and occur more abruptly as compared to a common cold whereby the symptoms experienced are mild and only get worse gradually, as reported by Hello Doctor.
If you’re having a common cold, side effects such as neck pain or bodily pains are normal. A watery and blocked nose is also a common symptom of normal colds.
However, if you suspect yourself or a loved one of having Influenza, here are some key symptoms to be aware of:

Source: Astro Awani
- Victims of influenza usually experienced high fever with body temperatures that could go up to 37.8 degrees to 40 degrees celsius.
- Influenza patients also tend to experience extended periods of fatigue that could last for weeks. Most of the time, they are too tired to even get up.
- Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur frequently to influenza patients.
- Severe complications such as pneumonia are more likely to be a side effect of influenza.
- Difficulty in breathing
- Lips and skin start turning blue in colour
- Victims experience rashes

Source: Hello Doktor
Nonetheless, without a specific lab test, it’s difficult to accurately discern between the symptoms of this disease and other serious illnesses. For instance, fever, fatigue and joint pain are also symptoms of dengue fever. Hence, the importance of seeing a doctor to properly understand your condition and get your blood tested before coming to any rash conclusions.
In any case, prevention is better than cure so start living a healthier lifestyle to avoid the possibility of being diagnosed by any of these illnesses. Load up on fruits and veges, exercise regularly, wash your hands, and don’t forget to hydrate! You can also go to your local clinic and take a yearly influenza vaccine for effective prevention.
Stay safe and healthy guys! Share this with someone who needs to know.
Also read: Klang Valley Hospitals Are Too Full of Influenza Patients, Cannot Accept Anymore Sick People