Imagine listening to wireless headphones but without actually wearing headphones!
An incredible tech that sounds straight out of science fiction is almost ready for prime time as a technology company just invented a ‘sound beaming’ device that will put music in your ears wirelessly. And by wirelessly, we mean completely wireless as in the sound will be ‘beamed’ straight into your ears and your ears alone.
Damn, that’s pretty cool!
As reported by the Associated Press, Israeli company Noveto Systems just created a prototype of the device, called ‘SoundBeamer 1.0’. The device is a desktop prototype and will launch next Friday.
AP News which got a hands-on with the device describe the listening sensation as being 3-D sound that is ‘so close it feels like it’s inside your ears while also in front, above and behind’. Woah!
Here’s a video explaining the intricacy of the device:
The technology by Noveto Systems uses a 3 dimensional sensing module which locates and tracks your ears’ positions. It will then send audio via ultrasonic waves to create ‘sound pockets’ around your ears.
What this means is that only the user will be hearing the sound and not the people around them. Furthermore, the sound you’ll hear would be in stereo or spatial 3-D mode that creates a 360 degree sound.
Another amazing thing about the device is that you don’t need to stay in one exact location for the sound to beamed to you as it will pinpoint your location and follow you.

The SoundBeamer 1.0 by Noveto Systems.
SoundBeamer 1.0 will be the first branded consumer product of its kind and another ‘smaller, sexier’ version of the prototype will be launching in December next year.
No mention of the price by Noveto Systems, but if a pair of Apple AirPods would costs RM699, we’re pretty sure SoundBeamer would be hella expensive.
What do you guys think? Would you buy this device to replace your earphones? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Also read: MOH: Long-Term Use Of Earphones Or Headphones Can Damage Your Sense Of Hearing