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Family Waiting at Pedestrian Crossing in KL Showcases How Not One Car Stopped at Traffic Light


My Post 1 2022 09 06T114148.978
Source: The Viral Stories | Facebook

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Traffic lights are meant to control the flow of traffic and to ensure the safety of those on the road, including pedestrians.

So, it’s only fair that every road user follow the rules by abiding to traffic lights, right?

The Viral Stories took to their Facebook page to showcase a video of a family attempting to cross a road in the middle of KL. They had waited for the pedestrian light to turn green, which of course meant that the traffic light was red, but vehicles still kept going.

Crossing 1

They wrote, “Earlier in the morning, our whole family took a walk from the hotel to KLCC. When we reached a pedestrian crossing, how surprised we were to find that not one car stopped even though their (traffic) light had already turned red”.

Considering that the family had small children with them, it is only fair that the situation was a cause for concern.

“Thankfully our children did not immediately run across the road. Welcome to the jungle that is called KL.”

Crossing 2

On top of that, they emphasised that the traffic light was not faulty.

“An additional note, we witnessed with our own eyes, the traffic light for vehicles turned red. This is not an issue of a faulty traffic light”, they explained.


We’re genuinely happy that the family remained safe through out this situation, for as they mentioned, they had small children who could have ran across the road upon seeing the pedestrian light turn green.

Perhaps it is time to place traffic police officers at the corners of traffic lights around KL in an effort to enforce road rules.

You can check out the video of the incident here

Bincangkan! ?“Pagi tadi kami sekeluarga berjalan dari hotel ke KLCC. Apabila sampai pedestrian crossing, alangkah terkejutnya kami apabila tidak ada satu pun kereta berhenti walaupun lampu mereka dah merah. Nasib baik anak2 tak terus lari cross jalan. Selamat datang ke hutan bernama KL.”*nota tambahan, kami saksi dengan mata sendiri, traffic light untuk kereta bertukar ke merah. Bukan isu traffic light rosak

Posted by The Viral Stories on Sunday, September 4, 2022

Stay tuned for more updates. 


Also read: The Motorcyclist, The Guard Or The Student’s Fault? Netizens Do Not Know Who To Blame For This Accident

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