Following the Khalwat case involving Singaporean actor, Aliff Aziz and Malaysian actress Ruhainies, Aliff’s wife, Bella Astillah had a lot to tell about the affair, which she had known earlier before JAWI came knocking at the door.
Just recently, Bella revealed that Aliff allegedly cheated in the marriage 11 times, including with her sister. Australian-based Malaysian businesswoman Sajat got her attention on the viral news and had some wise words for Bella and anyone struggling in their relationships.

“People LOVE secondhand stuff”
As much as it hurts to learn about the harsh truth before confronting your cheating partner, Sajat told Bella,
“Don’t be afraid to take out the trash. People love going through the trash and see what’s inside.”

Sajat also encouraged Bella to dispose of her secondhand bag because “everyone wants secondhand stuff.”
She added that every ending is the start of a new beginning and perhaps something better down the road. According to Sajat, even if Bella will not find someone as good-looking as Aliff in the future, in God’s will, Bella will find a better man who will make her a better person.

Sajat also highlighted that it’s important to accept and trust in fate, and good things will come but not necessarily in the form of a romantic partner. You can listen to what Sajat had to say in the viral TikTok clip below by @syaz_aa.
“Who knows after losing something, you gain something else, for example, becoming an ambassador for a product? Let go one 1 thing, 10 better things will come to you.”
What do you think of Sajat’s wise words? To those who have experienced the heartbreak of confronting a cheating partner, how did you cope and what have you learnt from it?