The bubble tea trend is showing no signs of stopping just yet, with new outlets and brands popping up in various neighbourhood shop lots and malls on a nearly weekly basis. While various experts have already chimed in with concerns over the effects consuming bubble tea may have on the health of bubble tea fans, one little girl found out for herself that bubble tea is best taken in moderation.
A 14-year-old girl in Zhejiang province, China was admitted to the emergency ward of her local hospital on 28th May 2019 after complaining of stomach pains and difficulty with eating food and defecating. After undergoing a CT scan of her abdomen, doctors found that her stomach, intestines and anus were lined with undigested bubble tea pearls!
Source: Sin Chew
According to reporting by Sin Chew, the shocked doctors questioned the girl over her bubble tea consumption, to which she replied that she had last had bubble tea 5 days ago. Dr. Zhang, who treated the girl, said that the number of pearls found in her stomach could not possibly have accumulated in only one day, meaning it was likely the girl lied to conceal her bubble tea habits from her parents and had consumed the beverage on a very regular basis.

Source: Chinahao
She was given a laxative to help pass the pearls stuck in her body.
Director He Yuling of the People’s Hospital of Zhuji City added that pearls, which are made of tapioca starch, are not easily digested. In addition, some vendors add thickening agents to their pearls to make them more chewy, but this could lead to more harmful effects for the digestive system should they be consumed in large quantities.
That’s really scary! We love our bubble tea, but more and more evidence is pointing to restraint being a great option the next time you have a post-lunch craving for some milky goodness. Hopefully, the girl learnt her lesson!
Also read: This is The Best Time to Drink Bubble Tea If You Don’t Want to Get Fat, Says Dietician