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“I’m the only staff” – Doctor Shares How a M’sian Woman Asked for 2 Days’ MC on Labour Day Due to Exhaustion


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Source: Facebook | Ahmad Samhan & 123RF

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Working can be exhausting, especially when you’re not receiving the recognition you deserve. Handling a workload meant for one person is already tiring enough, imagine juggling multiple responsibilities all at the same time.

In a recent post shared by Dr. Ahmad Samhan, he tells the story of a patient who came to his clinic on Labour Day, asking for a medical certificate (MC).

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For illustration purposes only

“I’m exhausted, doctor”

In the post, Dr. Ahmad reveals how a woman in her 30s visited his clinic, appearing weak as she requested a 2-day MC.

When he asked the woman what was wrong, she started to well up and replied, saying she’s exhausted from work.

“I’ve been working for 5 years, but I’m the only staff there. I do all the admin work, accounting work, and personal assistant tasks, all by myself,” she added.

The woman continued to share how she was pushed to work to the point where she vomited every morning and started losing her appetite.

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She’s a single mother to 2 kids

Dr. Ahmad went on to explain how the woman recounted fainting at work once, but nobody noticed. When she regained consciousness, she tried to request a half-day off, but it wasn’t approved, leaving her with no choice but to continue working.

He asked the woman if her vomiting and loss of appetite were still ongoing, to which she replied,

“Nowadays, I don’t vomit as much as before, but I still feel weak and have trouble sleeping at night.”

Dr. Ahmad advised the woman to ensure she gets enough rest because it’s not just physical fatigue but also mental exhaustion that’s affecting her.

“Ask yourself, do you want to be in the same place 5, 10 years from now? Please consider changing jobs for your own well-being,” he added.

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Remember that your body needs a break too!

Dr. Ahmad mentioned that it wasn’t his 1st time encountering a patient experiencing similar issues to what the woman was facing.

He gave some advise for anyone dealing with similar challenges, saying,

“My advise is, employers should be attentive and compassionate regarding their employees’ mental health. And for employees, don’t hesitate to communicate with your employers about what you’re going through. Learn to express your feelings.”

He ended by reminding everyone that work is important for making a living, but it’s equally important to take breaks when your body needs them.


In a nutshell, taking breaks is super important for keeping yourself healthy, happy, and on top of your game, whether it’s just for the day or for the long haul!


Also read: M’sian Doctor Shares How Much Water You Need to Drink in a Day – And No, It’s Not Actually 8 Glasses!


Source: 123RF

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