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Comms Minister to Discuss With MCMC on Najib’s Request to Take Down Documentary on Netflix


Najib Documentary
Source: Fahmi Fadzil l Facebook & Screen Anarchy

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A documentary on the whole 1MDB scandal, including Jho Low and named Man on The Run was released in October 2023.

Disgraced former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, through his lawyer, has requested that the documentary be taken down from Netflix.

Man On The Run Key Art Thumb 430Xauto 92183

Regarding the request, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said that the government has not made any decisions yet. He mentioned that this is because it involves an ongoing court case, reported BERNAMA.

“Some initial views have been conveyed by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) but I feel that they need to be given some consideration based on the law because it involves a court case.”

He adds, “So, I will hold a meeting soon with the MCMC, especially to scrutinise the legal aspects before making any further announcements.”

Fahmi Fadzil Documentary

Before this, Najib’s lawyers demanded that the government instruct Netflix to remove and prohibit the documentary’s airing.

They said the documentary is “sub judice and detrimental to Najib’s defence in the ongoing 1MDB trial.”

A quick check on Netflix shows that the documentary is still showing on Netflix, and it is the third most-watched movie on the video streaming platform for the day (January 14).


Have you watched it? What are your thoughts on it? Let us know in the comments.


Also read: Najib Wants ‘Man On The Run’ Documentary About 1MDB to be Taken Down from Netflix

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