Back when we were younger, there were a lot of trends and challenges that we got involved in due to peer pressure or FOMO. Although most of such challenges were relatively harmless such as the cinnamon challenge, mannequin challenge and the ice bucket challenge, there were a few that probably caused more harm than good.
Recently, a challenge which has gotten very popular involves you and 2 of friends jumping up in an order, but what you are unaware of is that you would be the target and once you jumped, your friends will then sweep your legs out causing you to fall on your back.

Although it may look like good and simple fun, it can be extremely dangerous as you could land on your back far too hard or crack your skull when you fall.
This has prompted popular figures such as GE15 independent candidate Nur Fathiah Syazwana Shaharudi, popularly known as Cleopatra, to take to social media to urge the end of the trend.

In a Twitter post, Cleopatra shared a video of the trend and wrote, “Parents, I urge you to tell your children not to be too trusting of their school friends. Their friends will ask them to jump and then do that to them. 2 school children have died because they had stupidly trusted their friends.”
“These are the dangers of social media. If no action is taken, the bigger the effect that social media will have on the generation of our grandchildren.”
She then explained that she was contemplating whether or not to highlight this issue in the first place because for kids, the more we show, the more they want to try.
“However we still need to tell them the dangers should their friends tell them to do this before it’s too late,” she concluded.
Watch the video below:
IBU BAPA saya mohon pesan pada anak2 Jangan percaya kawan disekolah. Kawan2 akan suruh lompat dan dibuatnya macam ni. 2 budak sekolah dah mati pasal percaya kawan dan diperbodohkan. Ini yang saya cakap haritu bahaya social media. Jika tidak ambil tindakan, makin mengganas social
— Nur Fathiah Syazwana @ Cleo ?? (@lxcleopatraxl) January 26, 2023
What do you think of the trend? Should action be taken to stop it from spreading? Let us know in the comments.
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